Be God's Partner


As we saw the need to focus on the  growing youth members of TNP, we have put up programs for them and enlist and tie-up with the various LNP Ministries’ (CYA, UD, Singles, Lingkod) support for this area. Specific programs shall be prepared to respond to the needs of the youth.


In order to expand the TNP scholarship program to get poor but deserving TNP students and out of school youth to be given financial support, we have formally launched in 2012 the Tahanan Educational Assistance Program or TEAP whose objectives are:


  1. To help alleviate the economic condition of TNP families by way of providing partial financial support in sending deserving children to finish high school or college education in public /government schools and other affordable private institutions of learning including vocational schools.
  2. To provide an avenue by which LNP members and friends can share their resources and become channels of hope.
  3. To inspire TNP communities to rely on God’s faithfulness and generosity
  4. To provide opportunities for TNP families to transcend the vicious cycle of poverty and become productive members of the society





  1. Recommendation of the TNP Area Leader and LNP Worker
  2. Review  and evaluation by the Sector TEAP Committee
  3. TNP Board final Approval



  1. Should be children of active members of TNP or if parents are not members, the applicant should be an active member of TNP youth who should endeavor to bring his/her parents to TNP for membership
  2. Should serve in the youth program during and after  the scholarship period of TNP
  3. Must maintain a general average of 80% per semester/trimester/year or its equivalent without any failing grade in any subject. For college scholars, it must have  a minimum load of 18 units
  4. Should be of good moral character and adheres to the TNP teachings.
  5. Must bring-in at least one (1) BLESS candidate once a year.





  1. A request for release of funds will be prepared by the LNP-Worker  based on the approved list of scholars from the sector.
  2. The said request is subject to the approval of the TNP Chairman as endorsed by the Treasurer.
  3. Once approved, TNP accountant will prepare check and deposit it to the account of the LNP-MOC Sector Head who will handle disbursing same to the various areas through the assigned LNP worker.
  4. Fund release is scheduled every 3rd week of the month and will be distributed to the scholars at the end of the weekly or once a month prayer meeting.
  5. Appropriate reports and acknowledgment receipts shall be submitted by the Sector Head for all funds releases.



A. Scholar's Quarterly Performance

  1. Before the release of the funds, the scholars will be required to submit his/her report card for high school or class card for college students.
  2. In the event, the beneficiary falls below the grade/minimum load requirements, he/she shall be put on a probationary period for the semester, trimester or year following during which time his/her subsidy will be reduced by 50%. Should he/she be able to comply with minimum grade/load requirement the following period, then, he/she shall revert to a 100% subsidy. However, if he continues to be disqualified in terms of grades/load requirement, he/she will lose 100% of the educational subsidy.
  3. When releasing the funds, scholar should acknowledge receipt of same using the prescribed form.
  4. A summary report of the grades of all the scholars per TNP area will be submitted to the LNP-MOC Head who in turn will submit same to the Sector TEAP Committee. The said summary report should accompany the liquidation report to be submitted also by the LNP-MOC Head on the release of funds.





We have so far graduated 108 Youth members from College who are now gainfully employed and able to help their families.  We are in the process of gathering our TEAP Graduates (Alumni), and strategize means to link them to  LNP Singles group, either Pathways or Lingkod, for their Spiritual Growth. And eventually equip them for service in their respective TNP area.


JANINE PAGULAYANTEAP SCHOLARTahanan ng Panginoon (Pentecost) Have you ever heard of an old saying, “No man is an island”? We probably heard that a million times. That saying is actually true because when we became successful, we usually achieve that because someone has helped us. And the one that helped me is the “Tahanan ng Panginoon”. My  family is just like a typical family and  I am grateful for having them. I grew up in a very religious family. My mother serves as a greeter in our parish, while my brother was an altar server back then and I was in the  choir. I grew up serving with the “Tahanan ng Panginoon”. I and my family are all part of it. We are all leaders in this organization. Through this org, I was able to meet friends that eventually became my second family. Ever since I was a child, my family taught me to be always kind, despite of all the challenges that I will experience. I may look like a soft person, but believe me, I was raised by strong people that led me to be a strong person. There is no easy way to success and up until now, I am still working my way to it. In terms of my study, ever since I started studying, I am not the grade conscious type of person. I don't really aim to top or have honor, I am fine with my grades as long as I don't have low or line of seven which is greatly known as the "palakol" on my report card. I am fine with it as long as it is a passing grade. Lots of teenagers had their first heartbreak, I also have mine, pero syempre it is not about love, I became heartbroken for having a grade of "73" and guess on what subject. It is just no other than the "Values subject", which I think is  the easiest subject, I was really devastated that time that until now thinking about it makes me mad at myself. That was my first heartbreak, and mind you I cried as soon as a saw it on my report card. Sakit sa mata. My parents got disappointed, and so bumawi ako. I don't dance much but in able to have plus grades I joined the interpretative dance wherein  we placed 2nd. I made sure that I will have high score in our exam and answer all the pages that needs to be answered in our workbook. And so from 73 I got I a  90 !!. And that happened when I was on my 2nd year in High school, that was probably one of my most unforgettable experience. One thing that I’ve learned from this, hindi ibig sabihin na bumagsak ka, babagsak ka na ng tuluyan. Learn to stand up and umiyak ka lang, let it all out and if you’re done, stand up and face it. You’re the only one who can face your own demon. Nobody will help you in facing it, but yourself. Siempre God is always there !!! Fast forward to my college years ,  I was really not sure on the course that I will take in 2014 after having  6 years in primary, and 4 year in secondary. It  was not enough to know what I really wanted. I PRAYED ABOUT IT AND  eventually I chose education that time because I got inspired with the stories about teachers helping their students and any other stories like that. Even though I chose it, still I am not sure, but still I tried my best to excel on the field that I chose. The only thing that keeps running on my mind that time was, I can not allow  all the hard-works of my parents together with TEAP  to be put into waste. As what others say, college is really far different from high school. Really different, because this is the time where you'll be starting to take things seriously. The things that will happen on your college years will have a great impact on your future. Throughout my study years, whenever what situation I’m in I always put God as the center in my life. When I first discovered the importance of having faith and taking action, I realized that I had inherited a jewel. Doing what I said I was going to do was very fulfilling. Not that I am some arrogant individual who thrives off self-praises, I just noticed that whatever I set my mind to do - it became possible as long as I had faith, worked and PRAYED hard and did not give up. Many times in life, we are seemingly hell-bent on finding excuses as to why we cannot step into our own personal greatness. We tend to feel that greatness is only experienced by a select few who get that “lucky” break that skipped over us. Well, I am here to tell you that anything that you dream possible is possible. All it takes is focus, determination, will-power, faith and action to see your dreams manifest – right before your very eyes. 2018  was my  last year in college and it really didn’t start well. When I applied to be a part-timer in a fast food chain, I passed the interview and all, but something came up that resulted for me not to continue working. I was really upset that time because I’ve already pictured or plan the things that I will do or buy on my first salary, but that all burst in an instant. I cried my heart-out because I’ve already expected, and I am very thankful with my family that time, because instead of giving me comforting words, they gave me the warmest hug a parent can give to their child. And that time they did the right thing, because I needed to cry it all out in order for me to move on. And that thing happened because little did I know God has better plans for me. That same year 2018, I had I think the biggest break of my life. That time I prayed to God to make my summer productive, and God heard me. I was asked to run in a position where I didn’t think I can be. Never in my wildest dream and that was to run for the SK position. I was just a shy individual, and I am not into politics, but thinking that I can be the instrument to somehow change the lives of the individual, and since I am experienced in handling a group because I am also an active member in  Tahanan ng Panginoon, I said yes.  I thought that if I want to be a teacher someday, I need to have the confidence to handle different types of persons, and I think that this is a good training ground in gaining that since it’ll require public speaking which is important when I become a teacher someday. And since I was a kid, I really liked helping others, maybe I inherited that from my father who is  a volunteer officer in our community. The process was so hard, I’ve experienced things I didn’t experienced with my own parents. I am judged because “Para raw akong kabuti, biglang sumulpot lang” and “ Hindi mananalo yan, hindi naman kilala.” And that was all true, but thinking about it, is it just all about being known? And so I run not to win but I run to complete the line-up of the partylist I’m in. I didn’t expect to win and instead did my best and leave it all to God. After weeks of hard-work, I won and placed 3rd. I am very thankful for all the trust and also to God. I set to do my best in my kind, and it became possible since I have faith. Also on my last year in college, I did the thing that I am avoiding. Again, I told to myself that if I will be voted again to represent our major in the annual “Mr. and Ms. Education 2018” and if I will win, I will not backed out again, instead I will faced it, since I need to experience joining pageants before I graduate. And so, I was selected to represent our major. I am not born for pageants, I am not comfortable wearing high heels nor wearing sexy outfits, but instead of thinking about it, I enjoyed the whole program. I didn’t win, but in my friend’s and major’s heart I know I won. I enjoyed it, I have nothing to lose, that’s why I don’t have any regrets. I came-out of my comfort zone, tried things I don’t usually do, and that lead me to somehow enjoy the life that was given to me. I am thankful to my family for they support me in everything that I do. They always give me their all especially when I’m at the lowest point of my life, they are always there for me to make me feel loved. I’ve experienced a lot of things, be it good or bad. I cherished every moment that I’ve experienced on my study years, I enjoyed at the same time didn’t put my acads left behind. And now I graduated from college. One thing that I didn’t expect was when I graduated as a Cum Laude in our batch. I never really competed with anyone, I just did all the things that I must do. They are true when they said “Trust in God’s timing and God’s plan”. All the things that I’ve experienced are all his plan, I never thought that I will do all of those, He just gave me the confidence to do it. Almost all my life, Tahanan ng Panginoon became my breathe of fresh air. When I am down, I’ll just worship and read gospels and all of a sudden, I will feel lighter. In the eyes of others, this is just a simple org, but for me, this is one of the most important things in my life because this became a part of me. I don’t regret joining and being a part of this beloved organization. This is one of the many reasons why I became the person who I am today. The thing that also helped me is when I became the scholar of TEAP( TAHANAN EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ). This is one of the reasons why I studied more, kung bakit mas pinagbuti ko pa. I don’t want to disappoint the many titos and titas whom I am facing now , who are behind this scholarship assistance . I want to somehow repay you by  studying hard. I want to make you  proud and that God’s love manifested through your generosity was not put to waste . And I am hoping that I did . As a TEAP Alumni and a member of Tahanan ng Panginoon, I will continue supporting my beloved COMMUNITY . I will still and will always be a part of it. I am proud to say that I am the product of Tahanan ng Panginoon and TEAP scholar. I am grateful and honored to be part of it. I will forever treasure all the things that I’ve learned in this community . I am thankful for all the people who made TAHANAN  a better place for people like us.I will continue being a good person as I can be and help others like me. There is always a light in every darkness, all we have to do is help each other to find that light. I saw the poster of our TEAP NINONG / NINANG “ CALLED TO BE GOD”S PARTNERS “ and we all can see the LIGHT. With a strong faith in God ,what you believe is possible for YOU is only for YOU to believe. Everyone will not see your vision. Believe in yourself and take action as God is with you ! There is no shortage of dream killers. It doesn’t matter what other people think. Do what you have to do and let them witness the fruits of your hard labor.  ANGEL BORLAZATEAP SCHOLARTNP-MASVILLE Hi everyone! My name is Angel Borlaza one of the scholars from Ligaya ng Panginoon from 2006-2014, started from 1st yr highschol to 4th college. I became part of this community because of my mother. She’s serving at Ascencion of our Lord Parish, and also a member of Familia community where we met Tita Susan Briones and Tita Tess Magpile. Ligaya chose childrens of familia members to be part of their scholarship program, which  is now under Tahanan ng Panginoon. Back then, I would say that we’re part of “isang kahig isang tuka family.” My father left us in 2006 my mom being a plain house wife right after she married my dad (she’s a pre-school teacher now, btw.) I know education is free with public schools, and super discounted ang tuition sa PUP together with my 2nd sister, but we also need money for projects and pambaon sa school, especially in college. Once a day lang kakain bukas ulit yung next. Si mama daming sidelines and raket just to raise us since si bunso nag-aaral din. I remember back in highschool, nagsshare kami ng shoes ng sister ko. Ako sa umaga, uuwi ng tanghali magkikita sa likod ng school at patanggong magpapalit ng shoes kasi nakatsinelas lang sya and hnd sya makakapasok ng hnd nakasapatos. College was hard since mas mas malayo, mas magastos, mas madami kang kaiinggitan na classmates na may pera. Minsan super late pa magbabayad sa projects kasi hihintayin ko pa yung allowance ko sa scholarship since every month syang bnibigay. Madalas mapapagalitan pa ni teacher kasi late nakakapasok, since si mama maghahanap pa ng pamasahe naming 3. Looking back, Im super blessed that I became a Ligaya ng Panginoon scholar. It  helped me a lot not just financially but also spiritually. Financial assistance for my schooling, and the prayers we’re getting from the community. I was able to know more about Jesus, since we also have praise and worship every Saturday in Familia. Mahirap but my mom together with my sisters made God the center of our family. I promised myself once my youngest sister graduates in college, I have to give back to the community. Coz I know na walang sakin, lahat ng meron ako galing kay Lord yun. All the things Ive been through, the pain, struggles and lessons learned, God will use it someday so that I can inspire and help others. Then it happened! My youngest sister finished college last March, so I decided to start sponsoring a child as well after talking to Tita Tess. Starting with 1 student last June 2019 and praying that I can get more little by little by Gods grace. I also wanna take this opportunity to give thanks and appreciation to all the members of Tahanan and Ligaya ng Panginoon. I know that you also have your own struggles but you chose to answer Gods calling. Thank you for being the channel of Gods blessings, for the undying love and support to your scholars up until today. God bless you!  MA. LAVINIA PUEBLOTEAP SCHOLARTNP-Pentecost Magandang umaga po sa inyong lahat.  Ako po si Maria Lavinia P. Pueblo. 24 years old. Panganay na anak nila Josephine at Roman Pueblo. 2002 nang maging miyembro ng Tahanan ng Panginoon ang aming mga magulang at simula nito ay sumasama na kami ng aking nakababatang kapatid sa mga gathering ng Tahanan. Tandang tanda ko pa noon, simple ng ang aming buhay masaya pero di nawawalan ng problema. Sa tulong ng Tahanan ng Panginoon naging matibay ang pananampalataya ng aking mga magulang sa kahit anong problema na kanilang pinagdadaanan ay kaya nilang lagpasan. Isa na nga dito nang ma diagnose ako ng Dengue Stage 3 halos 2 linggo ako na confine sa Hospital. Mahirap ang pinagdaanan ng aking mga magulang sa mga panahon na yun dahil kailangan ko lagi salinan ng dugo at dumating sa punto na kailangan ko salpakan ng tubo sa aking leeg. Isa ito sa mga di ko makakalimutan sa aking buhay dahil dito ko naramdaman ang tunay na pagmamahal ng Panginoon sa akin. Bago ang araw na kailangan ko lagyan ng tubo nag dasal ang aking mga magulang, humingi sila ng tulong sa Panginoon at pinaubaya nila ako sa plano ng Panginoon. “Panginoon kayo na po bahala sa aking anak, kung kukunin mo na po siya ay tatanggapin namin pero hinihingi pa din po namin na sana ay pahintulutan nio kami na mag alaga pa sa aming anak” mga salitang nabitawan ng aking magulang kausap ang Panginoon. GOD is GOOD! Di niya ako pinabayaan isang magandang balita ang aming natangap sa araw  mismong paglagay ng tubo binalita ng Doctor ko na maaari na ako lumabas ng ICU at mag pahinga sa recovery room. Labis kaming natuwa at nag pasalamat sa Panginoon at sa lahat ng tao na tumulong sa amin lalong lalo na sa Tahanan ng Panginoon na walang sawang nag dasal sa akin. Simula sa araw na iyon ay lumalim ang koneksyon ko sa Panginoon. Walang ibang nasa isip ko kundi ang mag lingkod sa kanya dahil sa pangalawang buhay na pinag kaloob niya. Simula nun ay naging aktibo ako sa Tahanan ng Panginoon. 2012 nang maging Leader ako ng Tahanan ng Panginoon Youth- BLESS at hanggang ngayon ay aktibong Leader ako ng TNP Youth. Lubos din ako nag papasalamat sa LIGAYA ng Panginoon dahil binigyan nila ang TNP ng magandang oportunidad na lubos na nakakatulong sa lahat ng kabataang gaya ko salamat sa TNP TEAP (Tahanan Educational Assistance Program) Scholarship dahil isa ako sa mga kabataang napag kalooban ng scholarship. Ito ay malaking tulong sa aking pag aaral at sa aking mga magulang. Dahil sa TEAP nakapag tapos ako ng Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management at kasalukuyang nag tratrabaho sa Office of the Ombudsman. Alam ko malayo sa aking pinag aralan ang kasulukuyang kong trabaho pero alam ko isa ito sa plano ng Panginoon sa akin. Madami pa din ang pag subok na aking pinagdaanan habang ako ay nag tratrabaho sa Government. Kailangan ko makapasa sa Civil Service upang makapag apply ng permanente sa trabaho. Ilang beses ako sumubok pero bigo ako. Ilang beses ako nag tanong na Panginoon ginawa ko naman ang lahat pero bakit? Kinausap ako ng Panginoon ilang beses ko nakita ang Bible Verse na ito sa loob ng isang araw “JEREMIAH 29:11 FOR I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU, DECLARES THE LORD, PLANS TO PROSPER YOU AND NOT TO HARM YOU PLANS TO GIVE YOU HOPE AND A FUTURE” Ngayon alam ko na. pinaranas sa akin ng Panginoon pano mabigo at matutong bumangon. Tinuruan nia ako sa paraang ito upang lumalim ang aking paniniwala sa kanya. Upang aking maranasan ang mga bagay na ito upang makapag bahagi at mag bigay inspirasyon sa iba na in God’s Perfect Time In God’s Plan trust Him. Finally January 2019 nang makapasa ako sa Civil Service at lubos itong ikinatuwa ng aking mga mahal sa buhay. Salamat sa Panginoon dahil hindi nya ako binigo. Sa ngayon nasa Government pa din ako pumapasok di pa man ako permanente pero alam ko may plano ang Panginoon sa akin at di niya ako pababayaan. At hanggang ngayon Patuloy akong mag lilingkod sa kanya, magiging mabuting leader ako sa Tahanan ng Panginoon Youth. Lahat ng aking karanasan ay aking ibabahagi sa kabataan sa Tahanan ng Panginoon dahil alam ko ito ang plano ng Panginoon.  <>x








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